Meet the State Representatives of Democrats for the Illinois House

a man sitting among a group of women
 five people standing in front of a wing statue

District 2

Rep. Lisa Hernandez

four women wearing matching blue shirts
a woman with curly dark hair
headshot of Rep. Kimberly du Buclet
a woman with dark hair and eyeglasses speaking into a microphone

District 6

Rep. Sonya Harper

 two men standing beside a man holding a plaque
a man holding a microphone

District 8

Rep. La Shawn K. Ford

A woman wearing black shirt smiling and standing

District 9

Rep. Yolonda Morris

 two men shaking hands

District 10

Rep. Jawaharial ‘Omar’ Williams

a woman smiling at a child sitting on another woman’s lap
a man and a woman smiling at each other
 a young man talking to an older person
two people beside a sign for the democratic party 49th ward 
 a man with a bald head
people at a rally
a group of people at a political rally
a group of people gathered at a rally
lindsey lapointe with three people
two men having a conversation
two women with long hair wearing scarves and jackets

District 22

Rep. Angie Guerrero-Cuellar

a man standing in front of a golden wing statue
a woman with two people holding hero award plaques
a man with a beard and eyeglasses talking to other people

District 25

Rep. Curtis Tarver