68th District State Representative Dave Vella Named as the Grand Marshall of the 2023 Rockford Labor Day Parade
It was announced that State Representative Dave Vella will be the Grand Marshall of the 2023 Labor Day Parade. The event hosts, RUL (Rockford United Labor) and the AFL-CIO, chose Representative Dave Vella to be the Grand Marshall of the Labor Day Parade because of his tireless efforts to help the working people of the State-line area throughout his tenure in office.
Representative Dave Vella was elected to his first term in office in 2020. Since then, he has been instrumental in issues state-wide and local that make the lives of working people better. He worked hard to keep the Byron Nuclear Power Plant open and functioning. He sponsored the REV legislation paving the way for the Belvidere car plant to be repurposed for “EV” production and was a chief co-sponsor of the bill adding worker’s bargaining rights to the Illinois Constitution.
“I am proud of what we have accomplished for the working people of the 68th”, Representative Vella stated, “That is why I ran. Being made Grand Marshall of the Labor Day Parade is an honor that I could never have dreamed of. I want to thank the members of RUL and the AFL-CIO for giving me this opportunity.”
Representative Vella has a long family history with labor in the State-line. His Grandfather Edolo “Zeke” Giorgi was a union electrician before leaving that to become the longest serving State Representative in Illinois and his Great Uncle Amadeo Giorgi ran RUL for decades making sure that workers in Rockford got treated fairly and equitably.
Representative Dave Vella is seeking re-election to his post as the State Representative from the 68th District. “There is still more to do.” Vella stated.” We need to better prepare our kids for jobs after high school, we need to have safer streets and most of all we need to get our people back to work. I promise to do my best to make sure that happens”